Ressources 2013
Cour suprême du Canada
Tribunaux judiciaires
Cours fédérales
Cadre législatif
Documents gouvernementaux
Articles de l’Institut National de Sciences Pénales
GARCÍA GIBSON, Ramón. « El control interno en la prevención del lavado de dinero », Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales, réf. novembre 2013
GARCÍA GIBSON, Ramón. « Ley Federal para la Prevención e Identificación de Operaciones con Recursos de Procedencia Ilícita, su Reglamento, Reglas de Carácter General y Resoluciones », Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales, réf. septembre 2013
GARCÍA GIBSON, Ramón. « Endurecer penas contra el lavado de dinero, terrorismo y su financiamiento », Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales, réf. juillet 2013
Articles scientifiques
Cadre législatif
Documents gouvernementaux
Third Report on the Operation of the Terrorist Asset-Freezing Etc. Act 2010, Presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 31 of the Terrorist Asset-Freezing etc. Act 2010, David ANDERSON Q.C., 2013
Emergency Response and Recovery, Non Statutory Guidance Accompanying the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Cabinet Office, HM Government, 2013
2012 Annual Report of the Interception of Communications Commissioner, Presented to Parliament pursuant to section 58(6) of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, The Rt Hon Sir Paul KENNEDY, Laid before the Scottish Parliament by the Scottish Ministers, 2013
Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures in 2012, First Report of the Independent Reviewer on the operation of the terrorism prevention and investigation measures act 2011, Presented to Parliament pursuant to section 20 of the Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Act 2011, David ANDERSON Q.C., 2013
Access to Communications Data by the Intelligence and Security Agencies, Presented to Parliament by the Prime Minister, Intelligence and Security Committee, The Rt. Hon. Sir Malcolm RIFKIND, MP, 2013