‘Temporary Exclusion Orders’ and their Implications for the United Kingdom’s International Legal Obligations
‘Temporary Exclusion Orders’ and their Implications for the United Kingdom’s International Legal Obligations, Blog of the European Journal of International Law, Guy S. GOODWIN-GILL, December 2014
Incompatibilités entre le droit international et les dispositions de la CTSA 2015 relatives à l’exclusion temporaire de citoyens britanniques du territoire du RU.
Senior Research Fellow, All Souls College Professor Guy S. Goodwin Gill is also Professor of International Refugee Law, was formerly Professor of Asylum Law at the University of Amsterdam, and served as a Legal Adviser in the Office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) from 1976-1988. He practises as a Barrister from Blackstone Chambers, London, and he has written extensively on refugees, migration, international organizations, elections, democratization, and child soldiers.
This content has been updated on 1 March 2016 at 18 h 40 min.